Who is this?

It looks like my last post was roughly three years ago and the post before that was super old as well. What can I say? Life and the horrible state of our nation has me busy and demotivated all at once. I’m hesitant to post and share about anything because honestly, I am just tired and oftentimes, disappointed with human beings. I’d like to think that those with opinions that are different from mine would be open to hearing, rather than just listening. Anyhow, we may get to that in a later post. For now, here is a quick overview of life in the last three years. My family and I have a YouTube channel that I am also, very inconsistent at uploading to, however, there is a ton of content. Go ahead and subscribe!

I changed my hair a few times, and by a few, I mean more than three.

Here we have a super lame facial expression with red-brown color. Who is this? Why is she looking at me like this?


After this, I found out I was pregnant and I am the worst pregnant person in the world who refuses to do my hair or wear any makeup because it is awful and I am always tired. As you can see, I have the color in my hair in this picture.

dye black.jpg

Viola, my hair is black and I look just as happy as I did in the previous picture.


About three months after I had Helena, I was going back to work, time to change the hair again. Insert the word that I can never pronounce, balayage (aka, hand painted, expensive, highlights). Oh and I was convinced to color my eyebrows that looks exactly the same to me, just $20 more expensive then my regular eyebrow color, which was free, thank you genetics.

balayage dye.jpg

Beautiful! Lovely! Stunning! That is, before the infamous, post-baby shed began. No photos or evidence of that was documented.



more balayage.jpg

I balayage’d my hair so hard that I ended up with an ombre and fried hair! I was done with it and by done, I mean, well, just look at the next picture.


I hacked that hair off into a lob (apologies for the picture quality). Well, not me, a trained, over $100 a pop, professional.


After that, i figured that I didn’t ‘lob’ hard enough but couldn’t afford an expensive lob so I went to a cheaper ‘lobber’.

super lob.jpg

This lob was a bit too dramatic for my life, the back was pretty short. So what did I do? The unthinkable! I said forget this, cut it all off! Thankfully, the shop that I frequent serves wine in the evening and I sure needed it. My hair has never been this short.


Do I like it? Sometimes. I like how quickly I can dry it and style it. Sometimes it will not all fit into a ponytail and that is annoying. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’ve never had hair this short and I need it to ‘grow’ on me. I am growing it back out from this length and will not be cutting it for at least one year. My stylist thinks we will ‘trim’ it in September but she doesn’t know me that well.

Other life things that happened, Oh yea, the baby. 🙂 She is closer to two than a baby but her she is! She LOVES to put my shirts on like they are dresses.


We got a new puppy! Joshua named him Kobe and he is… well, a puppy.


He is great with the kids and they love him. I love him too, I just wish he was 5 years older and a bit more chill.


Joshua is still the funniest and most energetic kid that I know. He loves with his entire heart and plays with every ounce of energy he has.


We saw a couple of movies this year, “Murder on the Orient Express” and “Black Panther”. Can I just say, Black Panther was AMAZING!!!!!

Orient express.jpg

My husband is still, and will always be, very attractive.

black panther.jpg

I broke my shoe as soon as I got to work one morning, not that you care but, hey that’s part of my life too.

broken shoe.jpg

There you have it. I don’t know why I decided that my hair changes would be the highlight of the last few years but hey, it is the one thing that I consistently do for myself. Maybe I will post regularly again, maybe I won’t. We will just have to see what happens. I have received notification of new followers and want you to know that I see you and appreciate you!

You’re my best friend


I have a confession. I’ve been keeping my best friend a secret. I know I have talked about a couple of people here and there but I have never just came right out and told you. BeyoncĂ©. There. The truth is out. We even had our children in 2011. She intentionally had a girl after she found out I was having a boy so they can grow up and get married after a love affair similar to the one that played out in the movie “Love and Basketball” (except my son won’t be such a douche at times.)

Today being Wednesday and all I figured I would share with you a time when we got into a disagreement. A few years ago Kanye released this picture of him and Beyoncé saying that she was the best connect four player in the entire world.

beyonce.1Kanye forgot to give me photo cred; I was totally snapping all the shots

Here is Kanye’s statement regarding the game. “So last night at Jay’s new 40/40 club in Las Vegas  she (BeyoncĂ©) beat me 9 times in a row! (and I didn’t even spaz lol) here’s a photo of the only game I won!” -Kanye


He forgot to mention that I am BeyoncĂ©’s connect four coach and actually gave him a few pointers to beat her. You know how girls are. BeyoncĂ© forgot to invite me to the wedding so I had to retaliate in some way. I considered sneaking into one of her vocal sessions and singing the back up harmonies (since I sound like a dying cat when I sing) to try to sabotage her album sales. Not sure she would get over that as easily. Plus the album would still probably go platinum. Hoes love some BeyoncĂ©.


When I admitted to my mistake BeyoncĂ© looked at me and said “If you like it then you should of put a ring on it!”


Just like that, I said here you go. “Rock so big you can’t fit your hand in your new purse.” I know you thought that was Jay but him and I sound very similar when we talk. Sometimes I even stand in on performances with BeyoncĂ© so that he can finish organizing her clothes for her. I mean, she is the queen.


We have since moved forward and are still great friends. I think BeyoncĂ© may have sabotaged my Connect Four skills however because now, I can’t even win a game when it is written on paper. It’s ok though. I’m just happy we could work through our differences and remain great friends.


It’s Wednesday. Time for the blog humping and hopping. Let’s get it!

Vodka and Soda
The Hump Day Blog Hop

Photo bomberish

Hey there gorgeous! How you doin’ this morning? Can we talk? I’ll just write and if you aren’t feeling it, then just send it right back.


It’s been mentioned a time or two that I have addictions to things that are not necessarily productive in life but may also not be really detrimental either. My first addiction, while seemingly harmless can take a decent amount of time out of real life. My name is Christina, and I am addicted to taking pictures, being in pictures, selfies, delfies (two people in a selfie), pictures of my son, the sky, the ground, gross things, funny things, and even dreadfully awful things. Why is my first thought when I see something that I need to take a picture of it? I may not even post it to social media but I feel the need to take a picture.

It’s like sometimes I feel that I have to have evidence in order for people to believe what I have seen even if the picture adds no value to the story. When I first joined Facebook I was obnoxious about it. There are entire albums worth of photo shoots of my friends and I in virtually the exact same pose, the same night, in the same outfit. Why? ….. blank stare.


Who wants to see more than one picture of you and said friend in the same basic pose just with a different facial expression. Hey there, look at me, I can do things with my face other then smile. See!

2007.1 2007.2 2007.3See, I told ya.. what are we even doing in this one? There are about 10 more pics in this album on Facebook

I have now jumped to the other side of the spectrum and just love to slightly tilt my head to the left, raise my eyebrows just enough to not look like a creep and give a beautiful fake smile. My real smile isn’t all that great in my opinion because when I give it to you real my top lip disappears into my mouth and my eyes almost close completely. If you can still see the color of my eyes then I am not really smiling. It’s fake.

I can take 27,421 pictures of myself without batting an eyelid. If I ask someone else to take a picture of me you might as well have just walked in to awkward kingdom because now I’m like a baby deer taking its first steps. What do I do with my face? Hands? body? Why are you looking at me like that? Oh yea, you are taking my picture. Why does this feel so weird? I look like a creepy, psycho stalker now.

full lengthLook at her face. What? My arms? and of course that little foot down there? What’s happening?

I’m even fairly decent in group photos as well because I know the camera person is not solely focused on me. Instagram is my best friend right now. Maybe that is because I haven’t reached the type of following that brings criticism along. I don’t know if that will make me love it more or hate it. I’m pretty great at giving out verbal lashings but rarely let them flow past my lips. It’s in everyone’s best interest if I just keep those thoughts securely locked up. After all, most of the time it is just not true but very clever. I’ve got quite the quick wit. Dont’ believe me? Check my crazy twitter rant where I decided to @StateFarm because I am so upset with them currently.

Anyway. Let’s all move on from this post. It’s really quite tragic and not all that interesting. Thanks for sticking with me friend.

Welcome to the arena

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” – William Shakespeare


I know my blog name may confuse many and have you wondering just why I named my blog “Sold out Arenas”. The answer, I have no freakin’ idea other then it was a lyric in a song that made me laugh at the fact that the rapper 2Chainz made two words rhyme. “Sold out arenas you can suck my penis”. There, I said it. I have some dear friends that have come up with some similar rhymes that I’ll share with you below along with their twitter handle if you’d like to follow them. Feel free to dance as 2chainz has led you.


“sold out mobile homes, give me some dome. Sold out bingo halls, y’all can suck my balls.”-@ironmansam

“I’ve sold out stadiums so you can give me some cranium”-@ironmansam

“sold out the track, y’all can lick my crack” -@jnrale01

“Just built a gazebo, you can lick my pee-hole.”-@ironmansam

“Just ran a race I’d rather piss in your face”-@beauty_fitmode (this one is me)

As you can see we took it a bit to far trying to be like our good friend 2Chainz. It’s kind of tough when you don’t have dreadlocks. 2Chainz gave us some tough shoes to fill… here is another one of my fav’s that I can’t imagine just how long it took him to come up with. “She got a big booty so I call her big booty”. Instant classic I tell ya! I like to think she is the same person that he’s “got her saved in my phone under big booty”. That 2Chainz, so wise!


The two people from twitter are some pretty funny folks so feel free to give them a follow, they aren’t bloggers, rather people I know in real life. (she has friends? Gasp!)

I’d like to point out that this post started off with integrity and ended with pure filth. What can I say. I have no direction on this blog. I would also like to give a sincere apology to William Shakespeare for his involvement in this. You didn’t deserve it!

ENJOY this beautiful Friday friends!


Virtual hugs!


Being thankful is something that can really change your life. I’m not talking about just saying “thank you” at the appropriate time in a given setting. I’m talking about being thankful for what you have or don’t have, the good days, the bad days. Just being thankful to be alive and able to do the things that you want to do.

I am guilty of complaining about things that are outside of my control one too many times. I set high expectations for people and get upset when they do not end up how I expected. That is my fault; not theirs. You see, we all are very limited in our time here so instead of always thinking about what we do not have, how about we all just give some stranger on the sidewalk a hug because we are thankful for what we do have. It’s not weird hugging someone that doesn’t expect it, they may scream and try to run away but just hug them tighter, because they want it; they need it! (kidding, don’t do this.. you may get punched in the face)

I like to think that I’m allergic to people that are not appreciative. My mother had to raise 6 children by herself because my dad decided he would rather focus on sticking his magic stick in other women and continue to produce more children and then not provide for them. We were poor. My dad didn’t help, my mom’s family couldn’t help but did what they could. You know how many times my mom complained? ZERO! Not one time did I ever hear my mom talk about how hard it was for her, how she wanted things and couldn’t have them, or how this just was not fair. My dad got to run around with no responsibility doing what he very well pleased while she took care of us. (they were divorced by the time I was 3ish). I am sure she did vent to someone because I do believe its healthy to have an outlet.. just not all the time, isn’t there something else to talk about? I know it isn’t basketball season but still there has to be something else in life. If you can’t think of anything than maybe you should read a book or start watching some Real Housewives of Atlanta.

My mom had many reasons to be upset, many things to complain about but instead she took her energy and focused on raising her children the best she could. Sometimes I would find her crying in the closet because she didn’t want us to see that she was having a hard time, I found her once or twice and gave her my little kid hug… all sticky and stuff (because kids are sticky, get it? no?)

She did something that I do not think I could ever do. My brothers and I were all born within a year of each other. Let me break the numbers down because I know numbers can be difficult. After our birthdays this year the ages will go as follows from oldest to youngest, 31,30,29,28,28,27. (there is a set of twins in there). She raised us mostly by HERSELF). My grandfather was in the military and often stationed out of the country so when possible my grandmother would help.

My mom NEVER did anything for herself when we were growing up. The only time she did complain was when my brothers and I were swinging a broom around the living room like crazy fools and broke something she had hanging on the wall and she said “I can never have anything because you guys always break it!” This was true. One of the twins was swinging a yo-yo around the kitchen and broke the screen of the microwave. Awesome! It’s not like she had anything fancy, it was just the principal. We lived in a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment and since I was the only girl I couldn’t share a room with my brothers so the 5 of them had to share a room. We didn’t have cable or even caller ID for that matter, just the basics that we needed to survive. Crazy thing is that we didn’t even know we were poor until we got older because we had what we needed most. Love.

What was the point of all this? Oh yea, if you feel that you are complaining and not as thankful as you could be just stop for a moment and think of someone else who is struggling more than you. I know that there are many children who grew up worse than I did; even if they had material possessions they may not have gotten the love that I did. So, with all that being said, all you have to do is look at something small that you have in life that someone else may be wishing for and take a moment to be thankful for it. It doesn’t even have to be a material item. Keep practicing and eventually you will be (if you aren’t already) a person that someone else is thankful to have in their life. I’m guessing you already are. Heck, I’m thankful that you care enough about me to read this blog. So thank you internet people! I really appreciate you and stuff. Virtual hugs! Ok, ouch, that hurt, the monitor is not soft at all but I gave it a real tight hug so you know its real! Talk about a boob smasher!

And thank God while you’re at it. He’s thankful for you.

For real though, Fitness Friday

How ’bout those pictures though? Fitness Friday Link-up: Picture Edition


How ’bout those muscles though? I know they are tiny but they are my friends and you promised you would be nice to any new friends that I introduce you to so be kind. I know I’m not a powerhouse over here but I’d like to offer you two tickets to the gun show.. or one ticket since you can only see one gun here. Ignore some of the other not so toned places on my body. I’ve still got some work to do.

hair strand

How ’bout that hair strand though? Keep it up and I’ll cut you from the team pimpin’. Get with the curls or get out!

final weigh in

How ’bout that dirty mirror though? I won my diet bet peeps! Cheers to that and my terrible full length mirror pic. Lookin’ like a million bucks over there!


How ’bout that water though? Drink up so you can pee every 30 minutes with me. I can’t be the only person who lives in the bathroom at work.


Weekend Recapola

I love long weekends! On Friday I was so excited to have three days off that I basically did a whole lot of nothing at work in preparation of having extra time off. I know you do it too don’t get all judgy on me now. I made the decision to pick my son up from daycare after work and head straight to the playground with the giant water sprayer thingy.

joshy water

He was loving every minute of it. This kid lives for playing in water, whether it be the bath, the sink, a puddle outside, my bottle of water that I was trying to drink, anything with water in it is a toy. I however, did not plan ahead accurately and thought that it would be safe to let my 2 year old run around barefoot on concrete where the public hangs out. Needless to say we had to leave early because he got two blisters on his toes that popped and were bleeding. He was cool with it, that is until I sad we needed to leave to clean them out and bandage them up. As soon as we get to the car he decides that his toes are in fact falling off and the world is about to collapse on top of him. Mind you he was not even crying or concerned as long as he was still playing in the water. He is all good now, minus the blood curdling scream when I put peroxide on it.

joshySee, he was just as happy as could be the next day.

Saturday was the Run for the “L” of it 5k that the University of Louisville Alumni Association puts on every year to raise scholarship money for students. My friend Kara and I do this race every year as we are proud alumni and they always have the best t-shirts. We have way too much school spirit (you will notice once football season begins). I am very proud to be a graduate from the University of Louisville. By the way, I have the best red face after working out.. It’s amazing.

afterNever ask a man to take a picture of you and your friend. He completely cut out the backdrop.

Following the race I spent some time trying to battle my way back from a major loss in a game of spades with my boyfriend and his sister. I was doing pretty well in my mind trying to make a last second comeback. If we didn’t run out of time I am convinced that I would have been the victor. My opinion is obviously biased.

Next on my plate was a much needed manicure and pedicure. It had been awhile and my feet were beginning to put scratch marks on my hardwood floor. This is the original hardwood from when the house was built in the 40’s so you know its real. Upon completion of the beauty process I had dinner with my friend Lucretia and then jetted off to pick up my darling angel face baby boy. My son is with my 97% of the time so if he isn’t then I am sure to cram as many activities as possible into my day to make the most of it. I love being with my son all the time and the days that I don’t have him I need to be occupied with other things so as not to obsess about whether he is alright or not.

Sunday was pretty routine, church with my man followed by lunch with my friend and our children and grocery shopping. Monday (memorial day), I did some cleaning around the house and about a 2 mile run with my son in the jogging stroller. If you have never ran with a jogging stroller than you have no idea how difficult it is. I have let some friends push him and they agree that this level of difficulty is torturous. How ’bout them legs though? Looking pretty nice after a summer of pushing a 37 pound baby 2 year old giant. After the race my son took a nap, I made some lunch for us. Then we met my muscular man piece at the park for a stroll followed by a trip to the mall. We got home later that evening, had dinner and played outside a bit more until bedtime.

Yesterday was back to work day and today I must still think its the freakin’ weekend because I did this.

earringsTWO EARRINGS!! Trying to get my 2 chainz vibe on this morning.

I plan to wear these two different earrings all day. Why? I’m different, yep I’m different. Pull up to the scene with my ceiling missin. Anyway.. I’ve taken too much of your time. Good morrow to you my peeps.

30 in 30

photo 2 (9)

One of my new favorite bloggers put an idea out into the universe that I have decided to participate in. Why? Well, because when you make other people happy than you get happy and everyone is happy and who in the world does not want to be happy out there? I know I love to be happy and to laugh all day long. The basic idea is that you will send 30 letters in 30 days out to obviously 30 people via snail mail. Don’t forget to hashtag it. #themundays30in30. Also, stop on over and check out Alexandria over at The Munday’s. Here is her link. Please join us and if you would like some mail from me just email me your address and I’ll send you one too!

In other news, I have noticed that I have a terrible addiction to checking my phone all the time to see if I missed something. Even if it has not made a sound. I rarely realize that I have been doing this until I saw this video on facebook called “Look up”. If you haven’t watched it then click the link and watch it then come back to me… I’ll wait. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7dLU6fk9QY
photo 4 (6)


It made me realize how much I am missing out on my son’s life just by even glancing at my phone for a quick five minutes. I have been trying really hard to put it down and focus on him. It has made a difference already. He goes to sleep much faster at bed time. I don’t know if it is because I am putting in more effort to play with him and it is wearing him out or what. All I can say is that I feel happier so far. Seeing his smile always puts me in the best mood and knowing that he is getting the time with me that he needs is fulfilling as well. So let’s all come together, send some letters, put our phones down and make someone smile today!

smiledEven grumpy cat smiles, on the inside.


Have a great week!


Welp, I got into a minor accident on my way to work this morning. Apparently when you are trying to merge during a traffic jam you just go all Grand Theft Auto and use your car to move the other cars out of the way. At least that’s how it felt when I am in my own lane minding my own business barley going 10 MPH and feel the back side of my car get hit. For reals though. What were you trying to do home girl?

Anyway, no one got hurt. Just a little frustration on my part but I kept my cool. My son did not even seem aware of what happened which is good. I would like a break from all of the bad things that have been happening lately. Seriously, I could use a peak in life right about now, these valleys are no joke!

Anyways I decided to participate in my first link up today since I love a good jam on a Friday. Whitney over at I Wore Yoga Pants hosts the fantastic link up below. Check her out, she’s a really good time.


The purpose: To start our weekend with some fantastic jams.

The station that inspired it: “Back That Azz Up” on Pandora Radio.
The rules: Link your jams up and have a jam sesh with all of us!

I had to use spotify because WordPress was being in inconvenient whore and kept pissing me off. Hope you enjoy the song 🙂

How many issues are there?

Today I am in a terrible mood. I don’t want to bring you down folks so I will instead make fun of myself and allow you guys to laugh. Why? Because when I am down all I want to do is laugh. Let’s hope this makes me laugh so hard that I pee in my office chair at work and have soggy pants all day long and other people who see me can laugh and then I can tell them that I ‘accidentally spilled my coffee’ except I do not drink coffee but they do not know that. (I’m trying to win the prize for best run on sentence)


Are you competitive? Do you like to win? Are you a sore loser? I am a big fat YES to all of these things. Only I like to hide the sore loser part from you so that you think I am good at losing and then when you are a sore loser I will ridicule you to death about how terrible you are and that I am not going to play with you anymore. I am not like you. I am though… I just hold in my sore loserness until you lose and take out all of my anger about losing on you in that moment. Sneaky victory for me!

You are not a sore loser? Cool. Then you are a cheater and you cheat at everything. If you lose to me and act completely cool about it, when you do finally win than I am convinced you are a cheater. There is no way in the entire world that you beat me at something after I already defeated you and stood upon the mound of victory with my chest out and my chin held high. This subsequent win that you have is absolutely a result of your cheater ways and I will have no further part in it.

No reply to my call or text within an hour? Either you died, someone close to you died, you want me to die, or you are doing something sneaky to hurt me. Sometimes I will not even notice that you failed to reply. Other times I will take my mind to the edge of reason wondering why you have not gotten back to me. Are we not best friends anymore? Please do not be hurt or dead.. what will I do then? Emotions yo-yoing back and forth between fear and anger almost to the point of a full blown break down. WHAT IS HAPPENING?

We were supposed to meet at 5:00. It is 5:05, maybe they just stepped out a bit late. Alright it is now 5:07, are you kidding me? Who is late and does not tell someone they are going to be late? That is the considerate thing to do right? Let me send a text. Five minutes later I get a response that you are running late. No shit? You could not have let me know that before you were actually late. Does my time mean nothing you to?

I’m supposed to be there at 5:00. It is 5:02, I hope they do not notice that I’m late. I’m rushing as fast as I can to get there. Why are there other people driving right now? You are not supposed to be driving on the road at the same time as me! I do not care that it is rush hour on a Friday. Where is Ludacris when I need him? Sends text at 5:05 that I am going to be late. (Captain Obvious/Hypocrite)

We are at a restaurant that has free chips and salsa or free rolls. Can you pass me the rolls please? (Person touches the roll with their hand and hands it to me). Side eye/look of disgust. In my mind I have realized that this roll is contaminated since my friend just physically touched it. Don’t touch my food please. EVER. We do not share food, even if you are just touching it and passing it to me. That food is now only low enough to feed to the birds.

You grab a chip and dip it in the salsa, take a bite and put that same chip in the bowl of salsa. That salsa dish is now a level 4 contamination issue and should be handled only with fireproof gloves. Everyone knows if you plan to dip your chip twice you need to break the chip before you dip. (it rhymes, hello). This still does not make much sense since your hand touched the chip that will go in the salsa thus resulting in contamination but my brain somehow justified this action. I am fully aware that the restaurant workers are probably in the back making sweet love to the food with their bare, unwashed hands but if I do not see it, then did it really happen? This only works in accordance with food, everything else is subject to a full blown investigation.

Hopefully you enjoyed a few of my issues. There are plenty more of them that I will share in the future. We should make fun of ourselves more often. Am I right?