Who is this?

It looks like my last post was roughly three years ago and the post before that was super old as well. What can I say? Life and the horrible state of our nation has me busy and demotivated all at once. I’m hesitant to post and share about anything because honestly, I am just tired and oftentimes, disappointed with human beings. I’d like to think that those with opinions that are different from mine would be open to hearing, rather than just listening. Anyhow, we may get to that in a later post. For now, here is a quick overview of life in the last three years. My family and I have a YouTube channel that I am also, very inconsistent at uploading to, however, there is a ton of content. Go ahead and subscribe!

I changed my hair a few times, and by a few, I mean more than three.

Here we have a super lame facial expression with red-brown color. Who is this? Why is she looking at me like this?


After this, I found out I was pregnant and I am the worst pregnant person in the world who refuses to do my hair or wear any makeup because it is awful and I am always tired. As you can see, I have the color in my hair in this picture.

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Viola, my hair is black and I look just as happy as I did in the previous picture.


About three months after I had Helena, I was going back to work, time to change the hair again. Insert the word that I can never pronounce, balayage (aka, hand painted, expensive, highlights). Oh and I was convinced to color my eyebrows that looks exactly the same to me, just $20 more expensive then my regular eyebrow color, which was free, thank you genetics.

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Beautiful! Lovely! Stunning! That is, before the infamous, post-baby shed began. No photos or evidence of that was documented.



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I balayage’d my hair so hard that I ended up with an ombre and fried hair! I was done with it and by done, I mean, well, just look at the next picture.


I hacked that hair off into a lob (apologies for the picture quality). Well, not me, a trained, over $100 a pop, professional.


After that, i figured that I didn’t ‘lob’ hard enough but couldn’t afford an expensive lob so I went to a cheaper ‘lobber’.

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This lob was a bit too dramatic for my life, the back was pretty short. So what did I do? The unthinkable! I said forget this, cut it all off! Thankfully, the shop that I frequent serves wine in the evening and I sure needed it. My hair has never been this short.


Do I like it? Sometimes. I like how quickly I can dry it and style it. Sometimes it will not all fit into a ponytail and that is annoying. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’ve never had hair this short and I need it to ‘grow’ on me. I am growing it back out from this length and will not be cutting it for at least one year. My stylist thinks we will ‘trim’ it in September but she doesn’t know me that well.

Other life things that happened, Oh yea, the baby. 🙂 She is closer to two than a baby but her she is! She LOVES to put my shirts on like they are dresses.


We got a new puppy! Joshua named him Kobe and he is… well, a puppy.


He is great with the kids and they love him. I love him too, I just wish he was 5 years older and a bit more chill.


Joshua is still the funniest and most energetic kid that I know. He loves with his entire heart and plays with every ounce of energy he has.


We saw a couple of movies this year, “Murder on the Orient Express” and “Black Panther”. Can I just say, Black Panther was AMAZING!!!!!

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My husband is still, and will always be, very attractive.

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I broke my shoe as soon as I got to work one morning, not that you care but, hey that’s part of my life too.

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There you have it. I don’t know why I decided that my hair changes would be the highlight of the last few years but hey, it is the one thing that I consistently do for myself. Maybe I will post regularly again, maybe I won’t. We will just have to see what happens. I have received notification of new followers and want you to know that I see you and appreciate you!

Life Update/Instagram Laughs/YouTube Laughs

There are only 15 days left until Christmas and about 22 days left until it will be the year 2015! I am pretty much ready for Christmas to get here because I hate having a gift for someone and not being able to tell them what it is. I am more excited to give people the gifts that I have for them than I am about what gifts I will be receiving. It is like torture for me to hold it in and not say anything. I still have some gifts that I plan to make but since I’m a huge slacker, I haven’t made it to the store to buy the supplies. Cheers to the procrastinator in me.

I am starting to focus my goals for the new year and will announce those once it gets closer. They are not anything out of the norm for me. This will be my first year with a blog to help hold me accountable. I still have my goals from last year so I will be able to share those and how I did on them for the year.

For some reason whenever I sit down to write a blog post my mind is all over the place. Yesterday I wrote four or five drafts and never managed to get anything together that was worthy of posting for the world to read. I’ve been a bit out of sorts lately so my mind seems to jump from topic to topic while swinging from one emotion to another. You can say that things have been a little rambled in my brain lately.

I get a little more than a week off during Christmas from work so hopefully that will allow me to reset and get my mind right. On a lighter note, here are some Instagram funnies for your Wednesday morning enjoyment.




And some YouTube Laughs.

Friday Favorites: Laughter Edition

The internet is a funny place. Here are some things to make you smile this Friday morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you are actually reading it. If you are ever feeling low just google “Celebrities without teeth”, It is always hilarious!



ha.6Buzzfeed even did an article about it. No matter how sad I am, this is always one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

This is how I like to spend my Friday’s at work, well except last Friday when I worked the entire time and cleaned my desk like nobody’s business.


When a church is trying a bit too hard to be hip.


Wouldn’t this be the best laugh if you saw this in real life!


Look at us, still alive and stuff….


Sometimes it is like this though…


Finally, if only this happened more often…


Finally, enjoy this Buzzfeed video “If guys worried about the things girls do”

Click below to join the Friday Link up. Have a fabulous weekend.

Friday Favorites

Recognizing talent even if I don’t want to….

Taylor Swift is someone that I never really cared for. She got on my nerves and I can’t even say why, she just wasn’t for me. This morning I heard Taylor’s new song Blank Space on the radio and I kind of felt like I liked it. This was confusing so when I arrived to my destination I looked up that music video faster than Kanye snatched the mic out of her hand in 2009. Deep down I was hoping that the video would be garbage and I could go back to my regular life without Taylor in it. Why did the video have to be so dang good? See for yourself.

After listening to this song I feel that I may have been to hard on poor Taylor. She seems so relatable all of a sudden and for so long even the thought of Taylor made me want to punch myself in the face and search for immediate shelter from whatever nonsense she was singing/speaking about. I don’t even watch the episodes of the voice that she is on.

Who am I? I guess I have realized that maybe when she was writing all of those break-up songs she really was hurt. I mean, boys/men can be heartless and that ish cuts pretty deep; especially when you give your all  to them and they give their all to everyone else. No loyalty. What I’m saying is, I get it Taylor, I get it.

To assure you that I haven’t gone completely insane I also want to introduce you to Fatai. I don’t actually know her in really life but recently I came across her YouTube channel and was blown away! She covers different songs and can I just tell you that she is freakin’ AMAZING!!! Seriously though. Listen to her cover Sia’s Chandelier.

Go check out her YouTube channel and see what else she is working with. She is overflowing with talent! Welll, I guess I should get back to humping this Wednesday right along.

The Hump Day Blog Hop