Who is this?

It looks like my last post was roughly three years ago and the post before that was super old as well. What can I say? Life and the horrible state of our nation has me busy and demotivated all at once. I’m hesitant to post and share about anything because honestly, I am just tired and oftentimes, disappointed with human beings. I’d like to think that those with opinions that are different from mine would be open to hearing, rather than just listening. Anyhow, we may get to that in a later post. For now, here is a quick overview of life in the last three years. My family and I have a YouTube channel that I am also, very inconsistent at uploading to, however, there is a ton of content. Go ahead and subscribe!

I changed my hair a few times, and by a few, I mean more than three.

Here we have a super lame facial expression with red-brown color. Who is this? Why is she looking at me like this?


After this, I found out I was pregnant and I am the worst pregnant person in the world who refuses to do my hair or wear any makeup because it is awful and I am always tired. As you can see, I have the color in my hair in this picture.

dye black.jpg

Viola, my hair is black and I look just as happy as I did in the previous picture.


About three months after I had Helena, I was going back to work, time to change the hair again. Insert the word that I can never pronounce, balayage (aka, hand painted, expensive, highlights). Oh and I was convinced to color my eyebrows that looks exactly the same to me, just $20 more expensive then my regular eyebrow color, which was free, thank you genetics.

balayage dye.jpg

Beautiful! Lovely! Stunning! That is, before the infamous, post-baby shed began. No photos or evidence of that was documented.



more balayage.jpg

I balayage’d my hair so hard that I ended up with an ombre and fried hair! I was done with it and by done, I mean, well, just look at the next picture.


I hacked that hair off into a lob (apologies for the picture quality). Well, not me, a trained, over $100 a pop, professional.


After that, i figured that I didn’t ‘lob’ hard enough but couldn’t afford an expensive lob so I went to a cheaper ‘lobber’.

super lob.jpg

This lob was a bit too dramatic for my life, the back was pretty short. So what did I do? The unthinkable! I said forget this, cut it all off! Thankfully, the shop that I frequent serves wine in the evening and I sure needed it. My hair has never been this short.


Do I like it? Sometimes. I like how quickly I can dry it and style it. Sometimes it will not all fit into a ponytail and that is annoying. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’ve never had hair this short and I need it to ‘grow’ on me. I am growing it back out from this length and will not be cutting it for at least one year. My stylist thinks we will ‘trim’ it in September but she doesn’t know me that well.

Other life things that happened, Oh yea, the baby. 🙂 She is closer to two than a baby but her she is! She LOVES to put my shirts on like they are dresses.


We got a new puppy! Joshua named him Kobe and he is… well, a puppy.


He is great with the kids and they love him. I love him too, I just wish he was 5 years older and a bit more chill.


Joshua is still the funniest and most energetic kid that I know. He loves with his entire heart and plays with every ounce of energy he has.


We saw a couple of movies this year, “Murder on the Orient Express” and “Black Panther”. Can I just say, Black Panther was AMAZING!!!!!

Orient express.jpg

My husband is still, and will always be, very attractive.

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I broke my shoe as soon as I got to work one morning, not that you care but, hey that’s part of my life too.

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There you have it. I don’t know why I decided that my hair changes would be the highlight of the last few years but hey, it is the one thing that I consistently do for myself. Maybe I will post regularly again, maybe I won’t. We will just have to see what happens. I have received notification of new followers and want you to know that I see you and appreciate you!

Hair problems

I got my hair colored yesterday and it was supposed to be red and it is basically redish roots with brownish hair… I noticed something was wrong when the colorist was washing my hair and stopped to try and dry a piece to see the color. She then said she was going to put a gloss on my hair to help the color stay longer which was strange but I couldn’t see my hair so I just tried to relax. I have a habit of thinking too much into things so I decided to just wait. Once my hair was dry it was clear that the color was not right.

A couple of people tried to fix it but it didn’t work. I’m in my emotional pre-period time so I won’t go too much more into details. I had to keep myself from crying and flipping out about it because it was not intentional. It doesn’t look crazy or anything anymore it just is not what was supposed to happen. I’m going to just try to sit back and wait a few weeks and probably do it myself.

There is always a silver lining however. I am happy that I don’t look like Ronald McDonald and people won’t think that I am a weirdo because I have the hair color of a crayon. I honestly don’t know how long I will wait to get it colored because this is just not working for me. I don’t even want to take a picture of myself. Like I said, I am emotional this week so that is a likely contributor.

In other news, I failed on the plan to stop drinking carbonated beverages. I am going to try again. I have to control myself and realize that it is really just not good for me. I have been slacking on working out since last week and I’m going to get back at that too. My mood is always better when I am doing physical activity.

I know this has been one post full of complaints about very trivial things. I’ll stop here and head elsewhere on the internet to locate some smiles for myself.



It has been awhile (at least I think) since I hit you with a selfie, let’s do it. Here is what my face looks like today. #Ididn’twakeuplikedis #Itookashowerdoe


I try not to make eye contact with the camera, I prefer to look at myself rather than the hole at the top of the phone. Who wants to look at holes anyway? Am I right?

I need your assistance in making a decision or two. I am getting a bit antsy about changing my hair color. I’m having a difficult time adjusting to this fade color. When I curl my hair it looks great because most of the amazing color is hidden and difficult to see without some curlage. The thing is, I don’t usually get up early enough to curl my hair on weekdays because, well, sleep. Here is where you come in. Should I color my hair back to the red it was a few months ago?


Go to this color which is basically black with purple in it. This way, when I am in the sun or bright lights I look like a majestic creature.


Or just make a very subtle change with a bit more consistency in the color like this..


I know I ask you guys all the time but I really need help. I can’t make this decision on my own! I need you!

What should I do?

This hair color has seen some intense fading. I need your honest opinion here. What should I do? Should I dye it red again? Should I dye it the blackish color that I love? Should I just continue to let the fade happen? I don’t know what to do! Help me. This is what I am working with now.
MondI don’t know what’s happening with my face, I’m sleepy…..

In other news, my forehead recently got approved for its own area code and has made plans on moving into a new home so maybe my face can stop being so crowded.

In true Monday fashion I am all over the place, I accidentally hit publish on a guest post I had written for someone else. If you get that email just go ahead and delete it. It wasn’t meant for you at this time and I promise that you’ll get the chance to read it. That’s what I get for being all sleepy and stuff.


Friday was “talk/dress like a pirate” day a Krispy Kreme. Talk like a pirate, get a free donut, dress like a pirate, get a free box. The answer was simple. Dress like a pirate. My boyfriend took it pretty seriously and even made our eye patches. You can see how much he loves me based on how much better my eye patch looks than his. In the end we had 5 boxes of donuts and a chance to get as many cavities as our mouths can handle.

I hope you had a fantastic weekend and a Monday that is better than all of the other Mondays.

Hair Transformation

Finally. The process of re-doing the red hair has been completed. I have received two different responses so far. People love it. or “it’s interesting.” I like it. I’m getting closer to 30 and every year I feel like I am getting to old to do fun things with my hair and nails. Why is that? I think I should be able to do whatever I want at any age. Then I think about embarrassing my son by trying to look like a 20 something when I am in my 30s. It’s going to be hard enough on him considering he has such a good looking mother. (sipping on my Kanye juice this morning.) For those who care… here are before/after photos from the fade to the fad.

thursFaded hair.. young 22 year old hair stylist taking my pic.

thurs.1Much better.. Check out that sleeping face in the mirror.

thurs.3As of this morning she is still holding on.

I’ve been trying to decide if I should update my picture to reflect my new color… I don’t know how long it will stay this way so it has been a tough decision. Not really all that bad… but you know. Some of my IG followers have asked for a hair tutorial. Is this something you guys would want to see as well?

One small story for you now. This flyer has been going around Facebook and people are starting to get scared.

thurs.2Sorry for the screenshot folks.

I don’t think this is going to happen. Call me naïve. I am afraid of things that aren’t really that scary. There have been close to a dozen armed robberies of individuals walking around downtown in the past month. I work downtown. I walk around downtown. I’m not afraid. I think that some kids made the poster as a joke. I don’t take things like this so hard….

If I die this weekend I’ll be sure to blog about it on Monday. Until then. Have a great day.

Color… or nah

My hair is a different color! Yay! Although, there has been a good amount of fading in only a couple of days so that kind of has me a bit irritated. I know that red fades quickly but seriously. It’s only Monday. Yes, I have been using special shampoo. I am going to call today to find about getting the color re-added. In other news, I think I am going to post a creative writing piece 1-2 times per week. That should keep me from getting to overwhelmed on that front. I don’t want to sacrifice content. Let’s get this hair transformation out of the way.. Yay for pictures!

color Step 1: Dirty hair=ready for color.

color.1Step 2: Foil hair to lift color (selfies start to get awkward at this point)

color.2Step 3: I’m a weird looking blonde sneaking selfies

color.3Step 4: Let’s add some color back to this head

color.4Final selfie taken in the car after I curled my own hair. Stylists never get it right

I loved this color. Too bad it lasted all of that day only. Let me try to get a picture to show what it looks like now… one sec.

color.6This is me right now. Bathroom Selfie!!

If my hair is going to fade that quickly I’d be better off handling it on my own. I’m going to call today about getting this red fixed because I’m a bit annoyed.

In other news. Look what Reese’s has done.


This may be the death of me. Just as good as the Reese egg that come out during Easter. Go eat one or nah.

No Relation


Fabulous Chick Gets Fit posted this on Instagram and I love it. I figured you might find it equally entertaining so please, feel free to share it on the interweb. Also, I plan to do a giveaway soon. I’m not sure on the day so just check back to see when it is! You’ll love it.

In other news, I can’t wait until Friday! I know it’s only Monday but on Friday I am getting my hair colored! I have had to wait 3 weeks since I scheduled my appointment and the torture I have endured is killing me. According to Instagram it has been about 20 weeks (5 months) since I colored my hair last. I NEVER go that long. No wonder it is killing me on the inside.


Another completely unrelated topic…. I went to the gym after work on Thursday only to discover that I forgot to put socks in my gym bag. Fail. I wore sandals to work that day. Needless to say I was not going to just leave the gym without working out. Not wearing socks with shoes can lead to some terrible smelling feet/shoes and I was not about to taint my workout shoes forever. I simply decided to workout until I could feel my feet sweating and then leave; no cardio obviously. Lately I have been working on being able to do a pull-up. I am secretly trying to accomplish this before my friend Kara (secrets out). I used the machine that assists in pull-ups and dips. Let me tell you! My arms and back were sore for DAYS! I can finally lift my arms up without feeling like I may pass out from pain. Totally worth it though.sockless

Yesterday I morphed into a lumber-jack and started to cut branches off of a wild tree that popped up in my back yard and has been on steroids ever since its wild birth. I did not take pictures because I have been a loser lately. Or I have been living my life without pictures as evidence that I’m having a good time. I also went to a baby shower yesterday but I won’t bore you with those details. It was a good time but if you have ever been to a baby shower then you know how it went down.

I’ll go ahead and wrap this post up there because I am too sleepy to think. Have a great first week of August!