It’s a Weekend Recap

I haven’t done a weekend recap in forever. So, without further ado, I start with Friday night. My oldest brother Jared, my boyfriend and I watched a couple episodes of Breaking Bad (we are on episode 5 of the first season). This show is amazing. I can’t believe I never even watched a single episode when it was on TV. Part of me wishes that I had time to binge watch the show. Then it would be over really quickly and I would be sad.

On Saturday, we woke up early in the morning, made breakfast and started our day. First we headed to Enterprise so Jared could rent a car to drive back to Paducah. I hate doing business of any sort with rental car companies. They really should tell you that they are going to need a sample of your blood prior to the time you are scheduled to pick up your rental car so you don’t have to leave and return multiple times when you don’t have everything you need. Not to mention the way they try to rip you off by including additional insurance. I worked for a rental car company for a short time. That job sucked!

After we finally got that accomplished we headed to Lowe’s to buy a new backdoor for my house. The backdoor that was on the house since I bought it in 2011 was a piece of crap. Buying the door was the easy part. Getting it installed proved to be more work than any of us had initially thought. Since my house was renovated prior to me purchasing it, I haven’t had to do much work. If you have ever done any type of remodeling to your house than you are aware that once you take one thing apart, you are going to find 1 million other things wrong. It was horrifying and disgusting. Thankfully my brother and boyfriend were the ones installing it so I didn’t end up with a million dollars in labor charges.


For dinner I made a pot of chili and had a great time playing Cards Against Humanity with 3 of my brothers, one of their friends, my youngest brother’s fiancé, and my boyfriend. I lost every round so of course I was a bit perturbed. I am a horrible loser.

Sunday my boyfriend and I went to church. I got to see my good friend who was in town from North Carolina. She is a member of the music ministry and even though she has moved out of state, she still gets to sing when she is in town visiting.


Following church I had lunch with my people before Jared had to leave. He is moving to Florida and I will miss that guy. It was nice having him in town for 4 days. He is very helpful and talented. A very great man that I happily call my oldest brother.

weekend.3The lighting was horrible and I wish I would have turned the flash on.

After lunch we did some grocery shopping then my boyfriend, son and I headed downtown to watch the Lady Cards take on Miami. It was a very exciting game and close game for the most part. Following the game, we headed home for pizza and watched the movie “The Interview.” My boyfriend and I were so exhausted that we couldn’t stay awake and took turns falling asleep during the movie. It was decent, there were some pretty funny parts. I can’t really give it a full review since I took a few naps.

weekend.1 weekend.4 weekend.2

How was your weekend? Are you snowed in? I wish I was.

Basketball, life and funny stuff


It’s safe to say we had a pretty good time at the UofL Basketball game, minus the times when they team was just not really doing anything. They were able to pull out a win which is nice.


We also like to sit way at the top because of the baller status that we currently have. Contrary to popular belief, the rich people sit at the top and the broke people sit courtside. We are too valuable to risk a loose ball to the face or a hustle play that results in being tea bagged by your favorite athlete. If you notice, the security guard that took the picture didn’t want my son to be in the picture.


After the game we took another lovely picture with the Christmas trees. My son decided it was time to try and escape during this picture. He wanted to go play on the court, I don’t blame him.


Here is a bit of advice for me. I may expound upon this later in the week but for the moment its just something to consider.


They know their roll and better never try to leave my side!

Now, I shall leave you with something that gave me a pretty big laugh on Instagram this morning…


I really don’t cure that often but I don’t know that any other wording would have made it as hilarious! Thanks for reading this post as I know that it was a bit of a mess. Have a great week!


Climb for the “L” of it/Shattered phones


My friend Pam and I smashing out some photo’s before we begin the Climb for the “L” of it. This event was to benefit cystic fibrosis and I was very happy to see that many people still turned out. Especially since it was like 28 degrees that morning. I have no idea what is happening with my leg there so lets just pretend like I did it on purpose. I had on about 17 shirts and only one pair of pants. Too many layers can be uncomfortable to me.

We started on the far left side of the stadium and would go up on the left side of each section and down the stairs on the right. Then we would run across the front row to the next section and do it again. Half of the stadium was 1500 stairs and the entire section was 3000. After the first three sections my legs didn’t hurt anymore and were basically on autopilot. The difficult part was breathing the cold air, especially when I would get to the top. I planned on trying to do all 3000 stairs but I was getting annoyed and ready to eat some food so I stopped at the 1500 mark. Next year I will do the entire 3000! I just hope that it is warmer.


I am pretty happy about getting a picture with our head football coach, Bobby Petrino, immediately after finishing the stairs. My legs were shaking and steam was coming off of my head but it was worth it. He smelled pretty nice. I’ve had my issues with him but he was really nice about the picture when I asked him to take it with me. This is his first year back as head coach and I have had trouble accepting it. After our short interaction I am going to forgive him so we can move forward. (If you aren’t sure what I am talking about you can google Bobby Petrino and find out about his poor life choices.)


Not more than 5 minutes later I dropped my phone on the ground and shattered it. I couldn’t even swipe the screen open without wearing smart phone friendly gloves because I was getting small pieces of glass in my finger. I had too many endorphins running through me after the stair climb to even be mad about it.


Since I haven’t given put up any pictures of me when I have showered in awhile, here you go. I still haven’t changed this hair color but it is starting to have an orange tint to it so I believe it may be time.

How was your weekend?

Labor Day Love

I love a good long weekend. Why don’t we just all work four, ten hour days per week and be off for three days? I think we would be happier that way. At least I know I would be. There is something about a long weekend that makes me so happy. SLEEP! It is fantastic.


The sky looks how I feel. Angry. I just needed about 5 more days of staying at home and then I may be more willing to return. Maybe.


This kid and I had Panera Bread yesterday after walking around the mall and not spending money. He loves his macaroni and cheese. Pre-game snack before I ate pizza. My fail for the weekend.

 labor day
Yesterday was the first football game for my Louisville Cardinals. Check out that fan section though. We won our first game as a member of the ACC. I won’t bore you with the details.


I had a great weekend. I hope you did as well. I have to get caught up at work so this will be it for the day. I’ll return to you tomorrow with a good time in mind. Have a great short week!

My Most Favorite, Favorite.

Disclaimer: This excludes people, no one need to be offended moving forward.

I am beyond thrilled that it is Friday. We have a three-day weekend on the horizon and that has me on the edge of my seat ready to bust out of this place already and I just got here. In case you didn’t know, College football season kicks off for my team on Monday, September 1st at 8PM on ESPN. The Louisville Cardinals will be playing the Miami Hurricanes. We will be winning. Just a heads up, in case you were wondering.


I can’t wait for the game. It is something that I have looked forward to all summer long. It means that life is about to be interesting and I will be sitting in front of a TV (or at a football stadium, hopefully at some point this season) full of excitement as I watch every game. Did I tell you that I LOVE football? It’s more of an addiction really. Check out this video, get hype.

I guess what I am trying to tell you on this Friday of Favorites is this, Ball is life, bruh. From this day until football season is over I am likely to mention it at least one time per week. I hope you understand. I just have to talk about football. I do it to anyone who will pretend to listen to me. I also love it when guys try to talk down about my team(s) and think I do not possess enough ‘sport’ knowledge to retaliate. Then they get all butt hurt when they realize that not only do I know what’s going on with my team, but I know why their team is crap. By the way, I think anyone that opposes my team has a crap team even if in fact, their team is decent. I’ll never admit it. I just can’t.

With all of that being said I do have some concerns about this season. We have a new coach. We have a new quarterback. We have injuries. If I come here on Tuesday to report a loss, just know that I will be filling my keyboard with tears as I type.

football.1The Return of Bobby Petrino (2003-2006 originally)

Do you have a favorite football team? Would you like me to breakdown the basics of football to those that may/may not understand the basics. I have some secrets to loving football btw. Have a safe Labor Day weekend friends. Don’t drink/text/dance/argue/cry/tweet/instagram while driving. It’s hazardous.

Venus Trapped in Mars
Meet At The Barre

I don’t even know…


Naptime is a part of life that I will always miss. Just look at him back there looking all sweet and peaceful. I swear, God made kids looks so precious when they are asleep to compensate for the crazy one endures while they are awake. It’s not all the time that I want to scalp myself, only occasionally. (sidenote: look at how tiny my top lip is… lipstick could have made that girl look a bit more lively..)


Later that day we would enjoy a fun game of ‘sit under the blanket and laugh’. This game was so much fun. I don’t even know why it was hilarious.. it just was.

I put that picture up as a reminder that football season will be starting soon. Our season (Louisville Cardinals) will begin on September 1st. vs. Miami. This is a blackout game. We will win. If you don’t like football that much you can stop reading here because I am just going to ramble.

Last season, the Louisville Cardinals beat the Miami Hurricanes in the Russell Athletic Bowl 36-9. Here are a few reminders.

mon.5We get hype and Miami watches

mon.4We score touchdowns

mon.6We make sac’s.

There are a few different things happening this season. Our football coach left for a job at Texas. We have a new coach that has been our coach in the past. I’ll do a post on him Friday because well… I am a bit skeptical. Our quarterback went to the league and our backup saw little field time. This season is going to be interesting. One thing is for sure; regardless of the outcome, I love these guys. I LOVE FOOTBALL! Happy week to you!


Bad day smackdown


Escalator selfie with some strangers… HEYY

Welcome back to the fabulous life of the broke and un-famous. This is your captain speaking and I hope that you have had just the perfect little week so far. If you are like me, (which I am guessing you are not, maybe we have similarities but I am sure you are as unique and fantastic as Mighty Mouse!) you have probably had a bad day in the last week, month, year, decade.. something.

mighty mouse

If that is you, then I am going to share how to get through a bad day while using football GIFs from the greatest football teams of all time! The University of Louisville Cardinals. I apologize in advance if you are a Florida Gators fan… can we still be friends?

This is how a bad day feels… It catches you off guard and smacks you so hard that all of your defense mechanisms and plans of action are useless. A perfect example… you are a quarterback that was sacked so hard that your helmet popped off and you get up so mad that you want to rip someone’s face off like that guy in Florida did that one time.. except he ate that mans face.. eww anyway.

You need to pick yourself up, dust off all of that negativity, cry if you need to, scream if you have to.. and then, you do your own personal dance to pump yourself up. You heard me correctly. Amp yourself up with whatever little moves motivate you to keep going. Why? Because you have to and who can be angry when they are dancing? Not this guy (his name is Teddy Bridgewater BTW.. he is up for the NFL draft in case you care).

I like to jump right out of bed and do this little dance at my alarm clock after I have hit snooze 20 times. Like “yea, I owned you hittin snooze all those times, come at me bro!”

Once you are done being your personal cheerleader you will need to remind that bad day who runs this show. YOU are the BOSS! (baws). You hit that bad day when it is not looking and show no remorse. You are stronger than that day and you will make sure that bad day remembers!

Finally, some bad days just do not seem to listen when you are going all beast mode on your own and fighting like two women over Flavor Flav. What do you do now? Well you bring in all of your peeps to help you out. That’s right, call up the crew; friends, family, strangers… whoever has your back.

Sometimes it will take more than just you to get through a bad day. More often than not you will need a team to help support you along the way. We are human and we can NOT get through everything by ourselves. I have tried it before. It does not work and it feels pretty dang lonely. If you don’t have a team then go ahead and email me. I will be your team! (just know that I will probably try to make you laugh because that is how I get down with the git down)

If you are not a football fan than these GIFs were probably not that entertaining for you and I do apologize. Do not worry your little baby heart because I love to make GIFs and will likely make another one about getting through a bad day using some other example.

Happy Thursday. You still have a few days to turn the week around if it sucked for you. You can do it! I did! Unless you are having “shark week” than you should just sit back and let that ride out because lets face it, crazy emotions need more than I have suggested. You need chocolate!

Until later peeps!!